
Taking part

FaSMEd South Africa wants to include any teacher who wants to participate in the project, even if they do not want to commit to using the toolkit, teaching toolkit lessons and attending cluster meetings.

We invited everyone who had indicated an interest to a meeting at AIMS in Muizenberg on 30th October 2014. At the meeting most of the teachers agreed to take part in the research.

Ethical issues

All research should be ethically sound. FaSMEd follows the ethical guidelines of the British Educational Research Association (BERA). Teachers, schools and parents are fully informed about what we are doing and agree that they or their children are willing to take part in the research.

Research lessons will be video-recorded. The video will be used for research purposes. Some video may be used for professional development of teachers, such as in the Bowland professional development resources or by adding clips to the toolkit. Parents should tell us if they don’t want their child to be in the video.

Participating institutions

Schools and colleges taking part are:







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